XXVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 06-10, 2020, Moscow
Author's Index
Author: Ивлев Г.А. (Институт оптики атмосферы им. В.Е.Зуева СО РАН, Томск, Россия)
List of reports:
- Belan B.D., Ivlev G. A., Sklyadneva T.K.
Determining the role of influence of total ozone content, cloudiness, aerosol optical depth and albedo of the underlying surface on the level of UV radiation based on data of long-term measurements carried out in Tomsk
- Belan B.D., Ivlev G.A., Kozlov A.V., Praslova O.V., Rasskazchikova T.M., Simonenkov D.V., Tolmachev G.N.
Long-term behavior of the chemical composition of the atmospheric aerosol in the troposphere of the south of Western Siberia according to the results of aircraft probing